Martínez Nieto S.A. celebrates 54 years of strengthening its pillars of quality, innovation, and social responsibility
- Martínez Nieto S.A. was founded in 1968, as a result of the Martínez Nieto family’s business project.
- Today, the Spanish laboratory is a benchmark in the food supplements and natural cosmetics sector worldwide, with over 400 natural products in 66 countries.
Martínez Nieto S.A. celebrates its fifty-fourth anniversary this August 2022. More than half a century since the food supplements and natural cosmetics company started its activity in 1968, because of the Martínez Nieto family’s business project.
The Spanish laboratory can be proud of its long history and great evolution over time. Originally a honey and bee pollen packaging plant, today MARNYS – Martínez Nieto S.A. is one of the three leading manufacturers of royal jelly and propolis-based products in the world.
The company has grown progressively and expanding its range of products to achieve the more than 400 references it offers today, including food supplements, natural cosmetics, sports nutrition and essential oils.
Always faithful to the motto Natural Quality, Martínez Nieto takes care of people’s health and beauty at all stages of life, naturally.
This philosophy has remained unchanged from the beginning to the present day. Martínez Nieto offers natural products that respect the body and the environment, that are synonymous with quality, excellence and innovation.
International expansion, innovation, and continuous improvement, its pillars of growth
Martínez Nieto S.A. markets its products in 66 countries, being a reference in the food supplements and natural cosmetics sector in markets such as the Arab, American and European.
As well as international expansion, its quality control policy at all stages of production, its commitment to innovation and its culture of continuous improvement have been fundamental pillars of the company’s growth over the last fifty-four years.
Europe’s leading manufacturer of drinkable vials
With the aim of offering a final product of the highest quality, safety, and efficacy, Martínez Nieto works with the most advanced technology and a highly professional team.
Its facilities of more than 23,500 m2 are validated under GMP (Good Manufacturing Practices) standards and have one of the most technologically advanced laboratories in the world.
Martínez Nieto is the leading European manufacturer of single-dose drinkable vials. This format contains some of its most popular supplements such as Beauty In & Out Elixir, Propolvit Defens, or Royal Provite 5.000.
In recent years, the company has increased investment in R&D&I by approximately 40%, improving productivity, competitiveness, quality and the development of new product lines.
The laboratory develops innovative technology specific to the pharmaceutical industry. An example is the liposomal technology present, for example, in VIT-C 1000, liposomal vitamin C, CARNITIN 3000, liposomal L-Carnitine or Melatovit Liposomal, liposomal liquid melatonin.
Achievements in Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
Over the last few years, the company has made considerable progress in its Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Plan, aligned with the United Nations 2030 Agenda.
Through six CSR programmes, Martínez Nieto encompasses the actions it carries out to address the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Thus, ‘MARNYS PLANET’ includes actions aimed at environmental protection, sustainable development and energy efficiency. In two years, Martínez Nieto has managed to reduce energy consumption and CO2 emissions by more than 37% thanks, among other measures, to the installation of one of the largest self-consumption photovoltaic plants in the region of Murcia, as well as its Environmental Management System (EMS), which has enabled it to obtain the Class A Energy Efficiency Certificate.
In addition to working to reduce its carbon footprint, Martínez Nieto also launched an emissions offsetting project in January 2022, supporting environmental initiatives certified by the United Nations.
Another of its notable CSR programmes is ‘MARNYS HEALTHY’, aimed at promoting health and well-being. Not only through its natural products, but also through its support for sport, Martínez Nieto promotes the benefits of a healthy lifestyle and good eating habits.
Through ‘MARNYS TALENT’ the company works for the training of talent, and professional and personal development, collaborating with vocational training programmes and universities. Its support for the most disadvantaged groups, social integration and equal opportunities is reflected in ‘MARNYS COMMUNITY’.
Finally, ‘MARNYS QUALITY’ encompasses the actions aimed at ensuring certified quality, continuous improvement, research, development and innovation; and ‘MARNYS ECOFIN’ includes the actions aimed at financial sustainability and good corporate governance.